Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I've heard from several people that they were unable to post comments to my blog.  I've changed the comments settings to make comments available to anyone.  I do this with some trepidation, given the screed that people are willing to say anonymously on this phenomenon called the Internet.  If this backfires, I'm reeling it back in and people will just have to figure out how to get their feedback to me by another way, say, the road less traveled or some such.  For now, comment your hearts out, if you so desire.

And if you were wondering, there is more stuff about the weekend coming.  I'm still sifting and mulling.  Plus, I just ate an obscene amount of pancakes and bacon, so my brain is kinda floaty and buzzy.  Perfect time to work on my resume!


  1. Hey, let us know if that works for you. We've heard the same thing from a number of folks who've tried without success to leave a comment on our blog, even though it's supposedly set so anyone can do so.

  2. Thanks for starting the blog, it is really getting me through those slow times at work. You da bomb.
